
ColorATL exists for the community of Atlanta to intimately connect with local art while experiencing the benefits of creative action. For years members of the ColorATL team have connected local artists with people in health facilities and marginalized communities throughout the city, constantly observing how the creative process decreases stress, anxiety, and despair - and cultivates peace, joy, hope and connection


We are a network of local creatives who harness and share the positive power of creativity. We believe all should have access to the stress-relieving, therapeutic benefits of creativity. AND we want to celebrate our local artists. Not only do we connect the greater Atlanta community with local and therapeutic arts, we also act as a resource and conduit to connective opportunities for our network of Atlanta-based artists.

Why coloring books?

With all the breakthrough we constantly see with therapeutic arts, the biggest hurdle remains: many self-proclaimed "non-artists" stare at a blank canvas and feel intimidated to begin.

This is why adult coloring books are so awesome: they provide an overall structure, yet allow for personal freedom within. Which is proven to be healthy for the mind and spirit.

1:1 donation Recipients

The Dream Center, The Gateway Center, Emory Winship Cancer Institute, RemergeATL, ChopArt, PaintLove, Mercy Care, Peachford Hospital, Piedmont Hospital, Scottish Rite, AGRhodes Health and Rehab, Formation Counseling, Summit Counseling, Children's Miracle Network, Egelston, Kid in All of Us, YouthSpark, The Frazier Center, PaintLove

community PaRTNERS

Atlanta Contemporary Arts Center, CreativeMorningsATL, Emory Winship Cancer Institute, RemergeATL, General Assembly, PaintLove, The Giving Kitchen, ChooseATL, RedBull


Atlanta Contemporary Arts Center
535 Means St NW
Atlanta, GA 30318



Home Grown
968 Memorial Dr SE
Atlanta, GA 30316